Monday, December 16, 2013

Finally Slowing Down

Craft show season is officially over for me!

(Sorry for the blurry pic. It was taken with my ipod)

Saturday was my last year. I have a love/hate relationship with craft shows. I love meeting customers in person. I love hearing feedback firsthand. I love selling lots and lots of items in one day! But...I hate getting up at 6am, loading everything into my truck and having to set it all up, just to take it all back down 6 hours later and lug it all home again. Shows make me want to start up an actual store. Then I can leave all my products set up all day and never have to take them down again and move them somewhere else. But then I remember that I have an 18 month old and another on the way and think "how the heck could I run a store?!

Oh, did you hear the good news? IT'S A BOY!! He's due sometime between March 28 and April 1. We're so excited!

So, now that the busy season is over it's time for me to start slowing down a bit and enjoying the holiday (and my pregnancy). I still need to do a lot of restocking and getting ready for the baby to be born but I can do that slowly over the next few months. It's also about time for my annual craft room overhaul. This time of year my room becomes a disaster area and I reorganize the entire thing after the season is over. It's gonna look good this year! I have some great ideas and I'll post them as I get it done.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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