Monday, October 6, 2008

Chocolate Chocolate Chip?

My chocolate chip cookie soap is finally done curing, but...look what happened! I knew it would get a bit darker as it sat, but this is DARK!

Here's what they used to look like:

I'm not quite sure what to do with them now. Do I label them Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookie or some other clever name that fits the color? Or do I sell them at a discount cuz they don't look so pretty?


  1. Oooh, I got this one! Call them dark chocolate chip like they were made from dark chocolate or dark chocolate chunk. Think of it as a big old cookie. lol. I know there are some really dark chocolate cookies out there that are called stuff like that.

    I still say sell them at regular price just give them a really great name.

  2. Now that I look at them again. I think you could even call them fudge something. They look like pieces of my great aunt's awesome fudge. Now i'm craving.

  3. Death by Chocolate is a great name, but not sure you want people to think of death when they soap up... Why not double chocolate sensation?
    Either way, I think the soap looks fabulous!

  4. I'd name it "Chocolate Fantasy". Great-- now I want chocolate. *sigh*

  5. I agree with Jewelstreet...sell them at regular price. Just cause the color came out darker than you planned doesn't make it an oops bar! No one will know you wanted a lighter shade. They still look wonderfule! How about calling them Double Chocolate Chip.

  6. Chocolate Chocolate Chip? I'm sure its heavenly either way!

  7. Mmm.. looks like a "Dark n Stormy" to me..a yummy Bermudian drink made of dark rum and gingerbeer..looks like ice cubes a floating..

  8. Looks so good! I wouldn't discount them at all! I'd sell them as-is and market them as super scrumptious (sp?) dark chocolate.

    Great blog!
